MoneyQuote™ is the UK's leading independent finance portal, providing objective news, reviews and information on a wide range of financial products and services. We search thousands of products to find the best deal for you. Our service is absolutely free - you have no obligation to proceed unless you want to.
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A vast majority of people buy online for one obvious reason - to save money. We help you find the most competitive deal on the market right here because we list credit cards, cheap loans and mortgages from a wide range of service providers. We also offer product guides, price comparisons, tools and calculators to help you seek the right loan or mortgage for your individual circumstances.

The world of credit cards, loans and mortgages can be very confusing. We help explain all the intricate details and even put you in touch with a broker who can offer you free independent financial advice. Our pages are tailored to cater to all your finance needs. If you feel stuck or would like a financial health check contact us now for a free quote.